Areas of coverage
NUM3RUS offers consulting support in all areas of the sourcing lifecycle:
Strategy / Pre-Negotiation / Negotiation / Transition / Control
Typical project deliverables are:

- Contractual & management interdependency
- Business need - cost vs. content
- Fact & data based comparison
- Make or buy decision analysis
- Result driven approach
- Expectation management
- KPI design in every project-phase
- RFx design
- Yearly contract control and benchmark
The type of IT sourcing processes we are usually involved in are:
- Sourcing contracts / full sourcing / multi-sourcing / outtasking
- Single vendor software contracts (MS, SAP, Oracle, IBM, HP, etc.)
- Single vendor hardware contracts (IBM, HP, Dell, Xerox, Canon, etc.)
- Telecommunications contracts
- Client strategy guideline: software + hardware
- RFP support
- SLA design
- KPI design
- Contract comparison
- Contract engineering
- Negotiation support