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NUM3RUS Germany
Carmenstrasse 9
40549 Duesseldorf

+49 (0) 211 171 8756

Eugene Neethling


Eugene NeethlingEugene Neethling is a Partner at Num3rus. His career of 39 years covers a wealth of experience and knowledge in a wide variety of disciplines in the ICT industry. His experience covers a wide variety of vertical industries such as the government, financial services, petrochemical, manufacturing and retail sectors.

Mr. Neethling is well known in the local South African ICT market for his pragmatic, diplomatic approach to program management. He boasts an impressive range and depth of experience and knowledge in most of the disciplines and best practices in the ICT industry, on both a technical as well as managerial level. This includes Enterprise Architecture, Business Process Management, Program/Project Management, Service Management as well as Shared Services, Sourcing Models, Application Packages, Bespoke Systems and ICT Infrastructure.

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